
"SilverFlex" constantly increases the production of polyethylene film.
The goal of the enterprise is to provide consumers with all types of soft packaging, incl. polyethylene film with printed image, heat-shrinkable, greenhouse and household film of high quality and consumer value - has become a determining factor in the activities of all units of SilverFlex. Our philosophy is based on an integrated approach to fulfilling orders, using modern innovative business methods. All products offered by domestic manufacturers are packaged in polyethylene film packaging. The development of industry, its orientation to European standards requires modern, expensive and high-quality packaging. Taking into account changes in the market, and guided by the wishes of consumers, SilverFlex constantly increases production volumes, expands the range, intensively works on studying new technical and technological developments in the field of polyethylene film production. In the long-term plans of the SilverFlex Enterprise - replenishment of the assortment due to the introduction of new types of products into production: shrink film with a pattern, stretch film. Modernization of production provides for a significant replenishment of the arsenal of equipment with modern high-tech machines capable of realizing the production plans of the enterprise.
+375 (29) 335-36-26
mts +375 (17) 388-000-9

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